The following extract is taken from the Waterford Bright Ideas website which is looking for innovative initiatives for the Waterford area. Its a great concept and excellently put together. The initiative is linked with another great site www.updedeise.com which deals with all aspects of Waterfordian life. So, whether you are from Waterford or another part of the South-East have your say heard.
Hello Bright Spark,
If you want to make a positive change to Waterford City & County you have come to the right place.
With the Bright Ideas Campaign we are asking the people of Waterford City & County to help drive the City & County forward and bring us through these hard times. We are looking for any ideas that will help Waterford and it’s economic recovery and revival. Now you have a chance to say how your City & County should be run, what good business & tourist ideas you would implement as well as any positive change for your local environ, area, street or estate.
We want to collate all these ideas and to present them to your local City & County officials for use by you the people of Waterford & it’s many visitors.
We want to preserve & grow employment loyal & local to Waterford & empower local communities to make positive changes to our quality of life.
Campaign Deadline for Submission of Ideas is August 1st. This will be followed by ideas being presented to your local officials for use in City & County planning.
Come on Bright Sparks. Give us your Bright Ideas. Together we can build a brighter future for Waterford
Sample idea
I would like it if there were a flagpole erected near 33 the Mall in remembrance of the fact that TF Meagher conceived and raised the Irish flag for the very first time in Waterford City.
It should be a substantial flagpole/monument with possibly a platform at the base for speeches and important events. I would suggest that national and international dignitaries be invited to raise the flag once a year in March (on the anniversary of the event) as part of a national celebration of this momentous ocassion, which could stimulate tourism and will certainly raise the profile of Waterford nationally and internationally.
-Cian Foley
Here are some other suggestions:
- Create incentives for tourists to holiday in low visitor areas.
- Make Waterford City the Viking capital of Ireland.
- Emphasise the significance of Waterford as Irelands first city & establish Waterford as the chronological birth place showing the evolutions of Ireland over time.
- Advertise our county during the GAA championships to visiting teams for a special weekend break offer for the visiting county.
- If all criteria matches allow a tax incentive for local businesses that use each other.
- Metro rail service from Waterford City Centre to Tramore.
- Run an annual Windsurfing/Watersports festival along the Waterford Coast line.
- Learn from the successes of Genzyme & attract more biopharam manufacturing to Waterford.
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